Multinational Petit Festa
   in Yumenoshima 2007

Lecture ・ workshop

A report by someone who has been volunteer in Philippine

This report encompasses many different aspects of Philippine culture,
from the warmth of its citizens to the children living on the street.

The future for Children ●TENOHIRA〜The opposition group of human traffic

A message from a twelve year old girl, Misha.

Understanding of Jordan Culture ● Sipah Haddad

The ambassador's wife tells us about Jordan's traditional culture and speaks about some of the problems in the Middle East.

Multinational Panel Discussion ●Chikyukotobamura 

Foreign students talk about some of the problems they have encountered living in Japan and they brain-storm ways to solve them.
There will be a display of Languages from around the world.

Copy Right Multinational Petit Festa in Yumenoshima 2007